Unique Ecosystem - Birds
The lush forests of the Oki Islands attract numerous birds to dwell here. Many birds can be observed here, especially summer birds (migratory birds that come to Japan during spring and summer, and leave for their wintering destination during autumn). There are also notable mountain birds. In spring, you can hear the unique chirping of the oriental cuckoo that sounds like "popo, popo" repeating in the mountains.
The oriental cuckoo is about 33 cm in size, slightly larger than the lesser cuckoo (Cuculus poliocephalus). Its head and the upper part of its wings and body are grey, and its belly is white with black stripes. This species is a brood parasite (brood parasitism is a strategy where animals rely on others to raise their young), and mainly lays eggs in the nests of the eastern crowned warbler (Phylloscopus coronatus) and the Japanese leaf warbler (Phylloscopus xanthodryas).
Scientific Name
Cuculus optatus
Family Cuculidae
Migratory Classification
Summer bird: migrates to Japan in spring and summer; leaves Japan for wintering places in autumn