Yellowtail Amberjack

The yellowtail amberjack is a migratory fish that lives in intermediate to deep areas of coastal waters. It is about 120 cm in length, growing to 2.5 m at maximum. In 2008, a yellowtail amberjack the size of 1.55 m and weighing 32 kg was caught in a set of pound nets in the Yui area of Okinoshima Town.
The fish is often caught using pound nets and a method called shiira-tsuke. Shiira-tsuke is a method that takes advantage of the habit of mahi mahi and other migratory fish, where the school gathers around floating objects in the sea. Tsuke is a manmade bamboo float, and fish gathering around the float are caught using a net.
Compared to the Japanese amberjack (Seriola quinqueradiata), it is flatter on the sides (fillet), the body is longer and straighter, and its yellow stripe runs parallel like a straight grain (masa in Japanese), gaining the fish its Japanese name hiramasa.

  • Scientific Name

    Seriola lalandi

  • Classification

    Family Carangidae

  • Distribution

    From Tohoku Region to Amami Islands, Bonin Islands, Subtropical seas around the world

  • Season

    Large Fish: Spring–Summer
    Young Fish: Year Round