Mitsuba-iwagasa Meadowsweet

Found growing on rocks in the mountains or by the sea, the mitsuba-iwagasa meadowsweet is a shrub (a tree less than 3 m tall) that loses its leaves in winter. In the Oki Islands, it is commonly seen on the coasts. The branches often curve upward in a bow-like shape and are smooth. The leaves are its distinguishing feature as a subspecies of Spiraea blumei—wide, oval-shaped, and relatively large. On the tips of the branches bloom numerous white and pale pink flowers.

  • Scientific Name

    Spiraea blumei var. obtusa

  • Classification

    Family Rosaceae

  • Distribution

    Honshu (Sea of Japan side west of Niigata Prefecture, Oki Islands), Kyushu (Tsushima Island), Korean Peninsula

  • Flowering Season
